Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 3, 2009



Có 3 cách trả lời:

1/ Adverbs of manner(Adj+LY):

EX: Kind->Kindly, Careful->Carefully, Good->Well, Hard working->Hard

Notes: Friendly->IN a friendly WAY, Lovely-> IN a lovely WAY,...

2/ Adverb phrases=Preposition + Object:

BY: Means of transportation/ Means of payment(cash, gold, diamond,...)/ Communication/ Gerund(V+ing).

EX: By car, by bus, by taxi, by train, by cash, by cellphone, by smiling, by talking to Americas,...

ON: Foof/ Big animals/ Small vehicle(A motorcycle, a bicycle,...)

EX: On foot, on an elephant, on horseback, on a motorcycle, on a bicycle

WITH: Tools/ Equiments/ Materials

EX: With a fork and a spoon, with salt and pepper, with chopsticks, with some flowers

WITHIN/WITHOUT/LIKE + NF(a noun, a pronoun, a gerund,...)

EX: Without thinking, without any effort, without pay, within my milits, within my abilities, like my father, like her, like him,...

3/ Another verb:

EX: How do you go to school?-> I drive my red car


Có 3 cách trả lời:

1/ Adverbs of place: Here/ There/ Right here/ Right there/ Over here/ Over there/ Overseas(Abroad), upstairs, downstairs, downtown,...

2/ Adverbs phrase=Preposition + Object: At/ On/ In/ Near/...

EX: At the museum, At the OLS,..., in Chicago, in the suburbs,...on riverside boulevard,...

3/ Adverbs clause=Conjunction + Clause(=S+VF): Where/Wherever

EX: Where he works, Wherever he sees me,...


Có 3 cách trả lời:

1/ Adverbs of time: Today/ Yesterday/ The day before yesterday/ Tomorrow/ The day after tomorrow/...

2/ Adverbs phrase: At/ On/ In/...

AT + Time

EX: At 6: 00 AM, at noon, at midnight,...

ON + Day

EX: On monday, on tuesday,...

IN + Part of day/ Seasons/ Month/ Year/...

EX: In the morning, in spring, in January, in 2007,...

3/ Adverbs clause: When/Whenever/ Before/...+ VF

EX: Before she came

@WHY? Reason? Cause?

Có 2 cách trả lời:

1/ Adverbs phrase: Because of/ Due to/ Thanks to/ Owing to + NF

EX: Because of the heat, Due to the rain, Thanks to her, Owing to my parents,...

2/ Adverbs clause: Because/ Since/ As/ For + VF

EX: Because it rain, Since he didn't have time to help me, As my father had no money, ...

@WHAT...FOR? Purpose?

1/ Adverbs phrase:

- To/ in order to/ So as to + V(infinitive): Để mà

- Not to/ In order not to/ So as not to + V(infinitive): Để khỏi

EX: To learn English, In order to learn medicine, So as to please my parents, FOR + NF

2/ Adverbs clause:

- That/ So that/ In order that + S + Can/Could/ May/ Might(affirmative): Để mà

- That/ So that/ In order that + S + Should not(negative): Để khỏi


That I can learn English, That I should not miss the plane,...

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